Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Entry# 7 Awesome Month

Blogging was a good experience for me. I didn't know what it was until my English professor introduced it to me. So, all this month of June, I had the opportunity to create this blog. I enjoyed writing new post in my blog, but what I mostly like was that I had a chance to get to know some classmates. Every classmate had amazing ideas to post on they blogs and I got to know some of them a little more. 

Nowadays you can find so many blogs on the internet and you can find any related information to any topic. What I learned by blogging and by looking at other blogs was that, blogging is mostly use to share and spread information about something. Some people use it for marketing, if they have something to sell, their blog can draw in potential customers who visit links to their website. Other people use it for personal interests.

I didn't take blogging seriously, I just saw it as an English assignment that I had to do, don't get me wrong I liked doing it but I don't think I will continue writing any more post on my blog. For sure that I will continue looking at other blogs, because they are fun to look at and they sometimes have good information. Other than that thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed looking through it and that some of them help you in anyway. Goodbye!!!


  1. I hadn't thought about it helping to get to know some of our classmates, but it is true. I remember on the days after i had read someones blog and i would go into class and try to put the name on the blog to someone in the class. There were several times where I talked to some more in depth about what they blogged where otherwise I may not have ever tried to talk that person.

  2. Alica it right you did not take blogs seriously but you did great job I hate to say goodby. Good luck in your life.

  3. I agree with you about the blog give more and new information the reader . it 's good communication between the student

  4. I agree with you I really didn't took blogs serious, just as another English assignment. But it was really fun to read other blogs and learned a lot of new stuffs.

  5. Hey there, I am relieved to hear that you enjoyed the blogging experience. I did take it more seriously which is why I invested a lot of time into each of my posts. I will say that your blog is definitely the most PINK of all the other blogs but I would assume thats part of your personality. I know I will definitely continue reading blogs but I am unsure whether or not I want to continue my blog. Doing the blog for a good grade is a motivation that I focused on. If I continue the blog, what will I get out of it? I am unsure if I want to invest that kind of time still on my blog!

  6. Not a lot of people have done the blogging seriously, and sadly its really only for the grade.

  7. Alicia--Pretty good final entry. Thanks for the comments and feedback. I am glad you found some value in the blog project.
