Sunday, June 8, 2014

Entry# 4 My Interior Design

I'm a big fanatic of interior design, I love to design my home. Most of the time I catch myself watching interior design shows and sometimes when I miss something I go to the HGTV website. You can find a lot of good designs for your living room, master bedroom, kids room, bathrooms, and more. As with all things, it took practice, a lot of moving around and some good inspiration to finally feel comfortable decorating my home. Whether your space is simply a room or an entire house, there are a few things I've learned about interior design to help you.

My Livingroom

Personalize your space- Your home should reflect who you are. The best way to achieve this is by including things that reveal your hobbies and interests. Often time we are drawn to ideas that are fashionable: "of course this white coat elephant figure would look great in my bedroom!" But is that really you? Maybe not. Instead take a look at your closet. What colors are you drawn to? Use your taste in clothing as a style guide for your home. Styling an outfit isn't too different from decorating a room. It's an easy way to ensure your space is yours.

My daughters room Gizelle & Izabelle

My son Alexander's room

Keep comfort in mind- Have you ever purchased a piece of furniture just because it was pretty, only to discover that it was painfully uncomfortable? I don't know about you, but I am definitely guilty of this offence. Well this mistake made me learned a important lesson: Comfort is the key. When I thing of my home the first word that comes in mind is cozy. Remember your space should be inviting and comfortable. 

Less is more- Keep it simple, don't overcrowd your space. If you edit the items in each room, the room will appear to be cleaner and even bigger. Just remember you can always add more!

I hope you find my tips helpful the next time you find yourself struggling with an interior design project.


  1. I thought that this was a fun blog to read. The visuals that you incorporated looked beautiful. It shows that you have a passion for interior design and I think that constantly watching those shows are paying off. The tips that you had were easy to follow. After reading this blog I feel that I can design anything and make it look great, even though it might not your blog was inspiring.

  2. I loved your design house. This is really a simple house and you don't have to spend a lot of time to clean it. That's will make the family happy and excited.This a very important for every family to have a clean and a beautiful house.This is a powerful and an emotionally for everybody living in the house.keep it up and great job.

  3. beauitful howe design ,idea and picture .I like the color wall

  4. Alicia--Your two new entries are good. Your writing flows well, you bring up good points for discussion, and you are working to engage your reader with thoughtful analysis and visual appeal. Keep digging into significance, connecting to your audience as much as possible.

  5. Oh, the title of your blog is pretty boring!
