Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Entry# 6 My World of Soccer

Have you notice that soccer has become more popular nowadays? I remember when I was little, I never heard people being big fanatics of soccer, it was mostly basketball, football, and baseball. Now in 2014 soccer is the # 1 sport all over the world. My son Alexander has been playing soccer since he was 4 yrs and now he is 8 yrs. Most of my time I spend it on taking him to soccer practices and games. I believe that he is going to become a great soccer player when he gets older.

There are great sports out there, but the only sport that I'm involved is soccer and if anyone is interested you can check any on the links below. 

A good starting point to see if your kid like soccer would be ASC. At ASC the coach's dedicate their time on improving player skills in competitive sports and they teach the value of good sportsmanship. 

One's the kid has improved his ball control and moves the next step is to look for a soccer club. One of the clubs that Alexander was on, its called Inferno Soccer Club. At Inferno they believe in using soccer to help players learn positive and healthy life skills that would benefit them throughout their lives.

Alexander decided to change clubs. He wanted to move to a club that was more competitive with other clubs and to have a stronger team. He joined Sereno Soccer Club. Sereno has 35 years of developing youth soccer players of all levels. They are the #1 soccer club in Arizona and are ranked as one of the top clubs in the Nation. Also, they are an official Football Development Partner with Chelsea FC of the English Premier League. The majority of their coach's were professional soccer players and their goal is to give the players the best training available.
If you are interested in any of this soccer clubs don't hesitate to check them out. And also enjoy watching the FIFA world cup.


  1. It's so good that you support your son on what he wants, but the most important thing is that you believe in him. I also play soccer and I never had and still don't have the support of my parents they say it's a waste of time and they never go see me play it's sad but I really don't care anymore I am older now so I understand. Keep supporting your child's you're a great mom ;)

  2. You seam like a very supportive parent and I love how your encouraging him to do what he enjoys doing. I used to play soccer when I was younger but I absolutely hated it; my team never won a game and I hate losing! But it's good to see that your son has a big interest in soccer, being active in sports is what helps keep kids out of trouble. Who knows, maybe your son will one day play in the FIFA would cup game; with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

  3. Alicia--Pretty good two new entries. Pretty good development and analysis. Keep digging. The pink on pink on pink is a bit tough to read in #6.
