Sunday, June 15, 2014

Entry# 5 Thoughts about Food Inc

I've never actually put a lot of attention on the food I eat. I mean how its done, prepared, where it come from, or anything like that. I finally had the chance to see the video 'Food Inc.' It was an interesting video. In the way that a lot of us didn't know how and where our food is handled. 

In the video giant corporation would have their workers drop pigs in a big metal box machine and all we could hear was the pigs screaming and seconds later the pigs would come out dead. They would also make their farmers feed the chickens until they were huge. Crazy huh! I have to say that I'm not a big fan of meat, but I am a big fan of chicken. I don't agree that the animals should be treated badly, there could be other ways to treat animals so they wont suffer as much. I'm sure that most responsible farmers treat their animals well. Of course they also have to make sure that their animals are not thin, otherwise they will not be bought or wont fetch a good price. But, we can say that farmers feed them enough, so the animal wont suffer from being over weight


I do think that we should put more attention on the food that we eat. But I also think that not because we saw this video we should feel guilty for eating animals. Like I said there are better ways to kill an animal and those ways are better for the animal. In reality we are not doing anything bad by eating them no matter how they are killed. God said that a human being can and is permitted to kill an animal in order to eat its meat.


  1. I am disagreed with you. We have to pay attention of what we eat and ask where the food come from. But I am agree with you that there could be other ways to treat animals.

  2. I agree with you. I don't feel guilty from eating meat. I also agree that we could kill them in a better way but either way "They are going to DiE!!!" I eat meat and will eat animals until I die.

  3. I agree with you about we should be more attention about what the eat and how they making.It's very important to make healthy body

  4. I don't think we should feel guilty for eating animals that are grass-fed. However, I do feel as if we should feel guilty for eating animals that are not raised and treated the way they should be. I look at it as if we wouldn't have this type of meat if it weren't for these animals. We should show respect (as weird as it is to say) towards these animals because without them we wouldn't be able to enjoy food such as steak and chicken.
