Friday, June 6, 2014

Entry# 3 What Technology Can Do

As we all can see, technology has advanced very quickly in the past couple of years. Almost everything around us is based on computers or some other form of technology to run something, we don't have to do it ourselves, technology will. For example, the movie Wall-E has a seen where every human is on a flying chair and by sitting on that chair they get absolutely everything they want. They don't have to get up to get food, to talk on the phone, to watch television, they don't have to get up for anything.

Can you imagine living a life like that, where everything is done for you by robots and we don't have to put nothing from our part to get things done. In the images above it shows how the people are interacting with other people by touch screen. Instead of them talking to the person next to them. I think that the technology that we have now is starting to get people like this. Instead of interacting with other people, people are just to busy interacting with their technology devices.

In this other image the guy fell from his chair and since he is so obese he can't get up and no one helps him because he doesn't interact with anyone. That is why social interaction is needed to build a community, where you can help one another. I would never wanna be like this and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't neither. We would not be able to learn new experiences by ourselves and our health would be horrible, all because we let technology take over us. Do not be too dependent on the convenience offered by technology, some times it would not give you a good result. Technology will continue to grow every day, every month and every year. So, like I said we should not let technology take over us!


  1. I agree with you, I think that technology is getting so advanced so quickly that pretty soon we won't have to do anything for ourselves because all the technology devices will do it all for us. Also, what you said in your last paragraph about if you don't interact with people that no one will help you when you are in need, I sure hope that isn't true. I would like to think and hope that no matter what, people/strangers will help you if you are in need of help no matter if they know you or not.

  2. I agree completely there are too many people that let technology take over them in many different ways. I am one of those people who is constantly on their phone and I know I should step away from it. Everyone should take time away from their technology and spend time with others and get to know others.
