Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Entry# 7 Awesome Month

Blogging was a good experience for me. I didn't know what it was until my English professor introduced it to me. So, all this month of June, I had the opportunity to create this blog. I enjoyed writing new post in my blog, but what I mostly like was that I had a chance to get to know some classmates. Every classmate had amazing ideas to post on they blogs and I got to know some of them a little more. 

Nowadays you can find so many blogs on the internet and you can find any related information to any topic. What I learned by blogging and by looking at other blogs was that, blogging is mostly use to share and spread information about something. Some people use it for marketing, if they have something to sell, their blog can draw in potential customers who visit links to their website. Other people use it for personal interests.

I didn't take blogging seriously, I just saw it as an English assignment that I had to do, don't get me wrong I liked doing it but I don't think I will continue writing any more post on my blog. For sure that I will continue looking at other blogs, because they are fun to look at and they sometimes have good information. Other than that thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed looking through it and that some of them help you in anyway. Goodbye!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Entry# 6 My World of Soccer

Have you notice that soccer has become more popular nowadays? I remember when I was little, I never heard people being big fanatics of soccer, it was mostly basketball, football, and baseball. Now in 2014 soccer is the # 1 sport all over the world. My son Alexander has been playing soccer since he was 4 yrs and now he is 8 yrs. Most of my time I spend it on taking him to soccer practices and games. I believe that he is going to become a great soccer player when he gets older.

There are great sports out there, but the only sport that I'm involved is soccer and if anyone is interested you can check any on the links below. 

A good starting point to see if your kid like soccer would be ASC. At ASC the coach's dedicate their time on improving player skills in competitive sports and they teach the value of good sportsmanship. 

One's the kid has improved his ball control and moves the next step is to look for a soccer club. One of the clubs that Alexander was on, its called Inferno Soccer Club. At Inferno they believe in using soccer to help players learn positive and healthy life skills that would benefit them throughout their lives.

Alexander decided to change clubs. He wanted to move to a club that was more competitive with other clubs and to have a stronger team. He joined Sereno Soccer Club. Sereno has 35 years of developing youth soccer players of all levels. They are the #1 soccer club in Arizona and are ranked as one of the top clubs in the Nation. Also, they are an official Football Development Partner with Chelsea FC of the English Premier League. The majority of their coach's were professional soccer players and their goal is to give the players the best training available.
If you are interested in any of this soccer clubs don't hesitate to check them out. And also enjoy watching the FIFA world cup.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Entry# 5 Thoughts about Food Inc

I've never actually put a lot of attention on the food I eat. I mean how its done, prepared, where it come from, or anything like that. I finally had the chance to see the video 'Food Inc.' It was an interesting video. In the way that a lot of us didn't know how and where our food is handled. 

In the video giant corporation would have their workers drop pigs in a big metal box machine and all we could hear was the pigs screaming and seconds later the pigs would come out dead. They would also make their farmers feed the chickens until they were huge. Crazy huh! I have to say that I'm not a big fan of meat, but I am a big fan of chicken. I don't agree that the animals should be treated badly, there could be other ways to treat animals so they wont suffer as much. I'm sure that most responsible farmers treat their animals well. Of course they also have to make sure that their animals are not thin, otherwise they will not be bought or wont fetch a good price. But, we can say that farmers feed them enough, so the animal wont suffer from being over weight


I do think that we should put more attention on the food that we eat. But I also think that not because we saw this video we should feel guilty for eating animals. Like I said there are better ways to kill an animal and those ways are better for the animal. In reality we are not doing anything bad by eating them no matter how they are killed. God said that a human being can and is permitted to kill an animal in order to eat its meat.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Entry# 4 My Interior Design

I'm a big fanatic of interior design, I love to design my home. Most of the time I catch myself watching interior design shows and sometimes when I miss something I go to the HGTV website. You can find a lot of good designs for your living room, master bedroom, kids room, bathrooms, and more. As with all things, it took practice, a lot of moving around and some good inspiration to finally feel comfortable decorating my home. Whether your space is simply a room or an entire house, there are a few things I've learned about interior design to help you.

My Livingroom

Personalize your space- Your home should reflect who you are. The best way to achieve this is by including things that reveal your hobbies and interests. Often time we are drawn to ideas that are fashionable: "of course this white coat elephant figure would look great in my bedroom!" But is that really you? Maybe not. Instead take a look at your closet. What colors are you drawn to? Use your taste in clothing as a style guide for your home. Styling an outfit isn't too different from decorating a room. It's an easy way to ensure your space is yours.

My daughters room Gizelle & Izabelle

My son Alexander's room

Keep comfort in mind- Have you ever purchased a piece of furniture just because it was pretty, only to discover that it was painfully uncomfortable? I don't know about you, but I am definitely guilty of this offence. Well this mistake made me learned a important lesson: Comfort is the key. When I thing of my home the first word that comes in mind is cozy. Remember your space should be inviting and comfortable. 

Less is more- Keep it simple, don't overcrowd your space. If you edit the items in each room, the room will appear to be cleaner and even bigger. Just remember you can always add more!

I hope you find my tips helpful the next time you find yourself struggling with an interior design project.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Entry# 3 What Technology Can Do

As we all can see, technology has advanced very quickly in the past couple of years. Almost everything around us is based on computers or some other form of technology to run something, we don't have to do it ourselves, technology will. For example, the movie Wall-E has a seen where every human is on a flying chair and by sitting on that chair they get absolutely everything they want. They don't have to get up to get food, to talk on the phone, to watch television, they don't have to get up for anything.

Can you imagine living a life like that, where everything is done for you by robots and we don't have to put nothing from our part to get things done. In the images above it shows how the people are interacting with other people by touch screen. Instead of them talking to the person next to them. I think that the technology that we have now is starting to get people like this. Instead of interacting with other people, people are just to busy interacting with their technology devices.

In this other image the guy fell from his chair and since he is so obese he can't get up and no one helps him because he doesn't interact with anyone. That is why social interaction is needed to build a community, where you can help one another. I would never wanna be like this and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't neither. We would not be able to learn new experiences by ourselves and our health would be horrible, all because we let technology take over us. Do not be too dependent on the convenience offered by technology, some times it would not give you a good result. Technology will continue to grow every day, every month and every year. So, like I said we should not let technology take over us!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Entry# 2 Zumba Exercise

I was out of shape, overweight, and not fit! That was until I discovered Zumba! I love Zumba because anyone of any fitness level, age, or background can do it--and it's FUN!! I love to dance an this is one of the ways I can do it. I've lost about 30lb by doing zumba and I want to share my story and excitement about this wonderful fitness sensation with everyone I meet! Every class feels like a party you are sweating and burning tons of calories and don't even know it! it is so much Fun. You don't even have to know how to dance. Just move your body and follow the steps. It's easy! I posted some videos so you can see how fun it is and easy.

 Hopefully this videos make you wanna dance. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Entry # 1 The World Blogs

             I have to say that I'm not very familiar about blogs. Now that I've been glancing through them I kinds get the idea about them. There was one specific blog that grabbed my attention and it was the blog named Ikea Hackers
         This blog has a lot of unique stuff. It shows you how you can use Ikea furniture in a lot of different ways. For example, it shows how you can use a small table to make a house for a dog. 
 Pretty cool huh!
         If you are the type of person who is interested in interior design or you just like to decorate your own house (like me) and like to create new things with new or old furniture, this blog will be perfect for you. I definitely recommend it, you will love it!

         One of the blogs that didn't interested me was the Belmont Club. This blog provides a variety of perspectives that do not always agree. 
         Yeah I know that we all don't always agree on the same things, but I personally don't think that this is the type of blogs that I wouldn't engage myself too, to me its to boaring and not a lot of images. 
         If you like to find information about any product, book, or media. This could be a great blog for you.